Single / Double Wall Booths / Suites
IAC Acoustics is the world’s leading supplier of audiometric testing and medical research facilities. Having designed and built over 40,000 rooms since 1949, for hospitals, clinics, universities, schools, laboratories and medical centers internationally.
Whether you require a standard screening booth, customized audiology room/suite or a vehicle-mounted mobile unit, you can be confident that IAC Acoustics audiometric test facilities will comply fully with all relevant acoustic criteria, technical standards and international design specifications.
Booths and Rooms for non-clinical use such as psycho and bio-acoustic research
Compact, “mini” acoustic booths
85 standard Booth and Room designs available offering different sizes and configurations
Single and Double Wall Booths, offering varying levels of sound attenuation
Made to order Design Booths and Rooms
Special Jack Panels
Silent ventilation
Custom paint finishes
Audiometric Screening Booths
The New IAC 252 Series Mini Sound Shelter: IAC’s best-selling booth for hearing screening
The IAC Model 40A-1 compact, single-wall standard booth
The IAC 120A-1: A popular, standard double-wall booth with structurally isolated inner room, offering a “high” level of attenuation
Complete design, and advice service